July 13, 2021 - Harrisburg, PA
Members of Pennsylvania's Environmental Quality Board (EQB), voted to adopt the final-form rulemaking of the multistate CO2 budget trading program, also known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a regional CO2 Budget Trading Program. The vote was 15 to 4."This is a milestone in helping Pennsylvanians get one step closer to combating the ills of climate change," said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell.Pennsylvania's participation in RGGI would establish a program to limit CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired electric power plants located in Pennsylvania. Emissions of CO2 is a greenhouse gas and is a major contributor to climate change, which is detrimental to public health and welfare in Pennsylvania. Following this EQB meeting, the next step in the regulatory process is review by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC).