September 13, 2022 - Harrisburg, PA
Leadership from multiple state agencies joined advocates from Prevent Suicide PA to recognize September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and raise awareness around work to embed suicide prevention efforts across systems. "So many Pennsylvanians of all ages, backgrounds, and identities live with mental health issues or experience times of personal crisis that leave them feeling isolated, alone, and hesitant to seek help for a variety of reasons. These are real people - our friends, neighbors, acquaintances and ourselves," said Human Services Deputy Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Kristen Houser. "We're here today to tell you that you are not alone, and no matter what it is you are facing, your experiences are valid, and you do not have to carry the weight of these situations by yourself. Free, caring, and confidential help is available, and using these resources can save lives."Approximately 1.2 million adults attempt suicide annually in the United States, with more than 85 percent reporting having made a suicide plan prior to their attempt. In 2020, the most recent year that data is available, approximately 1,700 people died by Suicide in Pennsylvania. Throughout September, we remember and honor those lost to suicide, and support loss and suicide attempt survivors and all who experience suicidal ideation, mental health challenges, and crisis every day. Speakers Include:OMHSAS Deputy Secretary Kristen HouserDr. Denise Johnson - DOHMaj. General. Mark Schindler - DMVASec. Russell Redding - AgricultureSec. Jen Smith - DDAPSec. Robert Torres - AgingActing Sec. Eric Hagarty - PDEExec. Deputy Melissa Batula - PennDOTActing Commissioner Mike Humphreys - PIDDr. Matt Wintersteen - Prevent Suicide PAAmanda Blue - Prevent Suicide PA