November 17, 2022 - Harrisburg, PA
A statewide risk-limiting audit (RLA) of the 2022 midterm election began with the rolling of 10-sided dice to generate the random 20-digit seed number counties will use to retrieve batches of ballots to be audited. "This is the first step in the scientifically designed audit procedure that counties will be following to confirm the outcome of the governor's race using statistical methods," Acting Secretary of State Leigh M. Chapman said. "RLAs are considered the gold standard of robust election audits." In 2019, the department convened a post-election audit workgroup. The workgroup researched, discussed, and experimented with different types of RLAs, and assisted many counties through pilot RLAs over the last few years. List of Speakers:Acting Secretary of State Leigh M. ChapmanDeputy Secretary for Elections and Commissions Jonathan M. MarksExecutive Deputy Secretary Pam Iovino