January 31, 2023 - Harrisburg, PA
Governor Josh Shapiro signed an Executive Order to improve the Commonwealth's licensing, permitting, and certification processes, beginning a comprehensive review of how long it takes agencies to process applications and how workers and businesses apply online. This Executive Order will help to establish a date-certain for each license, permit, or certificate by which applicants will hear back - if applicants don't receive a response by that date, the agency responsible will refund their application fee. The Shapiro Administration is committed to transforming Pennsylvania government to more effectively and efficiently serve Pennsylvanians. Last week, Governor Shapiro launched a new initiative to grow Pennsylvania's economy and provide faster, more efficient customer service to Pennsylvanians when he created the Office of Transformation and Opportunity - a one-stop-shop for businesses that want to grow in Pennsylvania. Today's Executive Order builds on Governor Shapiro's commitment to improving how government works and creating economic opportunity for all Pennsylvanians. Pennsylvania workers often have to wait months and are forced to navigate inefficient digital systems to receive their professional license, permit, or certification - and Governor Shapiro knows this is unacceptable. The Governor is directing all state agencies, boards, and commissions to compile a catalog of the licenses, certificates, and permits they issue - including the statutory authority governing the length of time they must process applications and the application fee charged by each agency. Commonwealth agencies will have 90 days to send this information to the Governor's Office, which will then review, analyze, and establish efficient application processing times for all occupational permits or licenses based on agency recommendations. Once those recommendations are put in place, if an agency does not respond to an applicant before the date-certain, the agency will be required to refund the application fee. List of Speakers:Governor Josh ShapiroLT. Governor Austin DavisAl Schmidt, Acting Secretary of the CommonwealthMaureen May, President of PASNAPElizabeth Strong, CosmetologistDarryl Thomas, Barber