September 03, 2024 - Ambridge, PA
Lt. Gov. Austin Davis and Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Secretary Rick Siger announced the opening of the new $20 million Main Street Matters program, created by Governor Josh Shapiro to support main streets, downtown business districts, small businesses, and local communities across Pennsylvania. Included in the Governor's bipartisan 2024-25 budget, Main Street Matters funding is available for community revitalization efforts in planning, business support, aesthetic improvements, and increased safety and security. Applications for Main Street Matters funding will be accepted through November 15, 2024. Lt. Gov. Davis and Sec. Siger made the announcement during a visit to the Ambridge Chamber of Commerce and tour of several small businesses in the Beaver County borough. "Pennsylvania's downtowns and Main Streets are often windows into our past, but Governor Shapiro and I know they can be economic engines for our future," said Lt. Gov. Austin Davis. "Our 'Main Street Matters' program will invest in rebuilding Pennsylvania's commercial business districts and revitalizing our communities to become places where businesses can grow and families can thrive."Speakers Include:Mario Leone, Ambridge Borough ManagerLieutenant Governor Austin DavisDCED Secretary Rick SigerState Representative Robert MatzieScott Monit, Local Business Owner